Saturday, March 08, 2008

Sisters Doing it for...Themselves? Really?

I think Debbie Clemens is officially about to replace Andy Dick as the most hated woman in the country by other women, no? Christ, it was bad enough back in the day when women had to know how to make rice crispy treats and wear a bra that matched their drawers twice a year. Now they gotta get boob jobs, botox, wax their Golden Palace of the Himilayas, vaginal tightening so they can feel their husbands tiny dicks and, thanks to The Rockette, they gotta start juicing with HGH. Unreal. How long til they're compelled to roll Miller Lites outta their necks like a Pez dispenser?


Gina said...

agreed, although in the case of the pendulous bosom: not as pretty as perky often leading to some awful fungal issues in the warm summer months. to each his own. matching drawers are a luxury.

Gina said...

leave Debbie alone! She's a human being for God Sakes!!!