Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Well, Well, Well

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for their heartfelt concern re: my having gone missing here for 4 days after calling out a streetfight on another blogger. And by "heartfelt concern" I mean "absolute indifference." Really, your collective empathy was touching. And by "touching" I of course mean "even more of a reason to hate my own audience." Grrrrr.

Of course I fucking wailed on Code of Insanity on Tillary Street. Apparently the code for insanity includes crying like a bitch, pleading for mercy and salt-water toffee. But in the interim I have found out that the dude I had on deck, Angry John Sellers, is coincidentally a guy in my own softball league. So I'm giving him a stay of execution until the season is over. Which actually is even worse for him, cause now he has 5 months to stay awake at night worrying about the fists of hell that will be raining down on his face. A five-month plane crash, one may say. If, of course, planes in this country could actually fly.

So my next will be chosen by EOB today. Poor motherfucker.

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