Thursday, June 05, 2008

Laaaaaaaaaaaaaid Back

I've never been into rap or hip-hop music (sue me) but watching Snoop on the latest episode of "Centerstage" I'm reminded that although you couldn't pay me to listen to his records, I could listen to Snoop Dogg talk all day long. Kills me. I used to say that he's one of those guys that should have a cameo in every single movie, even if only walking though and dropping a single line. Jaws 6, The Hobbit, whatever. More Snoop!

"Yeeeeaaah, we're gonna need a bigger boat. Ferrizzle."


Julia ATX NYC said...

lately I find myself becoming more of a snoop-as-a-person fan. still, I can't get over how homely the guy is- yet he tries soooo hard to work the sexy. not happening for me. looks like a bag of bones settling into the vibe of a crack den. scary to look at, eyes and all.

here. said...

required listenin:

dre- the chronic
snoop- doggystyle

assorted singles thereafter

redefined rhymin in the early/mid 90s. lame cameo in old school ... you're welcome.

Xmastime said...

wow, LUCKY me!! a primer from GIHYB!! cause obviously if I have a different opinion than him, my ears have been stuck in the sand all these years!! thanks for the lesson GIHYB! teach me MORE!!! you're AAAAWWWWWWWWWEEESOME!!!!!

here. said...

hey, it ain't all that ... so you're racist and were never cool enough to hang with the weed-heads ... if we were all like rrthur, the world would be a pretty dull place* ... don't kick yerself brah!

*NOT REALLY!!!!!!!!