Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Something Else I Can't Do

There are some things in this life I just cannot do, as I've listed here. Another thing I can't do? Identify cars. Oh, I don't just mean that I can't pick out an '04 Tercel, or a 2006 Prius. I mean that even if I've ridden in your car 20 times, I cannot for sure pick it out of a parking lot. It's a constant struggle; as I walk to your car with you I have to watch you out of the corner of my eye to see when you break for a car, and then I instantly make the turn to it as if of COURSE I know this is your car. If wanna have some fun with me, have me walk with you to your car and lead me right past it 3 times. I won't even notice. Or hand me the keys and tell me there's a cheeseburger in your car, I should go grab it, and then watch me frantically look through the window of every car in sight. Or REALLY have a go at me - start screaming that oh my god, you left the baby in the backseat, which just caught on fire and then throw me your keys. Total panic.

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