Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Unlike Andrew Sullivan, whose bordering-on-the-need for an intervention-hysteria has once again gone over the top, I have no desire to track down everything Sarah Palin has said for 3 months to catch her in lies/make her look stupid. She should simply be let go, back to Alaska and obscurity. First of all, let's be adults here: the only reason we're still so interested in a losing VP candidate is cause besides being gaffe-tastic, she's hot. Period. Anyone who won't admit that is a fool - I don't see cameras tracking down McCain in his own kitchen, and nobody has any idea if Joe Biden is even alive. Nobody cares.

Being hot isn't her fault. But you know what is? Every interview that's coming out now I try to ignore, kinda thinking "who cares" etc, but she seems to be physically incapable of speaking a complete sentence without somehow blaming the "mainstream media" for all of her mistakes (or presumed mistakes.) What the fuck. I stand by what I said a month ago:
This war on the "mainstream media" Palin is pretending to wage is starting to annoy me. First of all, I would assume that any media with access to a vice presidential candidate therein by definition becomes a part of the "mainstream." And she certainly doesn't mind the "mainstream" cameras at her pep rallies spreading her "message" around the country. And secondly, if not the "mainstream" media, exactly which media would she rather be talking to? Interviewed by John Sinclair in High Times? Would she rather give her speeches through Facebook, or through hidden messages found only in German scat porn? What the fuck is she even talking about?

Jesus christ. Shut the fuck up! I don't care which clothes are yours - hell, I don't even care if the kid is yours. I don't know or care if you know Africa is a continent. I don't think you're retarded. But your rote "mainstream media" nonsense is starting to fucking irk me. You are warned.

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