Saturday, January 17, 2009

Decisons, Brains, My Slice of Slices

Yglesias discusses the two different types of governing: constantly taking the temperature of the people (Clinton) and simply forging ahead with what you think is best (Bush.)

Unfortunately for us, as Yglesias says, Bush rarely got anything right. As I said two days ago, "making tough decisions" doesn't mean much if you constantly make the WRONG decision. Which is why it MIGHT be helpful to elect people who are a lot smarter than, say, myself.

Mostly though I am chafed that someone has walked into MY internet and quoted my fucking West Wing. I will now show the quote from the show Yglesias would've used if he REALLY knew the show. You're welcome.
You know we forget sometimes, in all the talk about democracy we forget it's not a democracy, it's a republic. People don't make the decisions, they choose the people who make the decisions. Could they do a better job choosing? Yeah. But when you consider the alternatives, anyway, Abbey's in New Hampshire, you want to come up for a cigar?

Toby doesn't answer.

The day's over, Toby. We'll live to fight another one. Come up, and I'll beat your ass at chess.

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