Friday, January 23, 2009

Gays. Torture. Oh My!

What torture and opposing gay marriage have in common is that the people who support them simply cannot imagine that some day such tactics could be used on them. For instance, if people can get together to vote against gay people getting married, what makes you think that one day people won't get together to ban STRAIGHT marriage? Once you start making it okay to ban certain groups of people from, say, marrying each other, you set a precedent that one day can come back to bite you in the ass. Obviously not tomorrow, or next week or next year - but it's certainly POSSIBLE. And remember, it wasn't that God came down and banned gay marriage in CA because it was somehow "sacred;" it was that a bunch of Mormons in Utah raised enough money to make it happen. Yeah. How miraculous. If Bill Gates and every member of Major League Baseball decided to pool their money to ban heterosexuals from marriage, you don't think it could happen? Please.

As with torture. Once you give the "okay" to torture, you set a precedent that could lead to one day your son is in a cell in China being forced to eat stuffed-crust pizza while listening to David Silver's Greatest Hits. Now yes, obviously there are evil people in the world who are going to do it anyway. But by that reasoning, we should make murder legal, since evil people are going to do it anyway.

Xmastime. Connecting the dots between the homos and torture. Sigh. I'm amazing!!!!

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

All relationships: straight, gay, lesbian, or other, should be able to have civil unions recognized by the federal govt.

Done, end of story, problem solved.

Remove marriage from the government's equation (separation of church and state, duh!) and there will be nothing else to ever deal with on this issue.