Thursday, February 12, 2009

Michael Phelps

Other than wondering why people like Kellogg's never seemed to mind Michael Phelps driving a car while drunk, the thing that I wonder about in the whole Michael Phelps fiasco is what the hell was Michael Phelps doing at some frat party at South Carolina? I mean, really - a frat party? He's 23 years old - even when I was 23 I had no use for frat parties! And guess what - you're Michael Phelps. You don't need to be trolling Alpha Krappa waiting for Suzy Kreemcheese to drink enough from the Coors Party Ball to get up in her guts - you're Michael Phelps!! You can be hanging out with Prince William and getting some of that ROYAL poontang, some of the good stuff. You've got enough gold medals to weigh the Olsen twins down at the bottom of your pool, and you can fly the Kardashian sisters to France with them sitting on your face the whole time (tho not the fat one, obviously.) But instead of that you decide to go with the gang to see if you can get out of paying for 7 cases of the Beast by hiding them in the ice at Harris Teeter? Are you shitting me? Really?

I expect a better class of ass to be had by this guy.

As opposed to, say, this guy. For fuck's sake.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

23 is still young at least on the Longwood "7 years is never enough" tuition plan. And contrary to Madison Avenues opinions, he is a pretty ugly, goofy dude when not bulging in speedos and sporting a couple pounds of gold. So I don't blame him for partying it up at SC. However, our f-ed up society doesn't appreciate the cool story of having Phelps at your party, but instead needs to ruin it with candid photos. Just like trying to watch a concert with scores of helmets ruining the view with their fukking cell phones over their heads. Reality need not be lived through a recording device. Those Damn Kids!!