Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama Speech IV (Running Backs episode)

I'll say this about Obama - while he's not the greatest speaker in the world, for some reason (and maybe it's the times we're in, and the very historic point of him even being President) I find myself thinking he's a bit like Eric Dickerson was - at any moment, he might break off an outrageously beautiful one 99 yards for the ages. Whereas with Bush, even if you supported him, it was always like John Riggins - if you got him close enough to the end he might punch it in, but mostly you just hoped he didn't get shit-faced and say something stupid.


Anonymous said...

Actually that was a good one. YORF

Xmastime said...

goggles doffed ;)

Rambler said...

70 Chip. All that needs to be said. How dare you dis Riggins.