Friday, February 27, 2009

What They've Become

While I sit back and wait for Andrew Sullivan to do the right thing and make my buddy Op's blog famous so I can steal money from Op participate in a free exchange of ideas with Op, I'm noticing that my own post about Jindal's speech was too soft. Not on him, cause he doesn't really matter - but because of the fact that after sending out the world's oldest man to represent them in the election, and swirling with fervor behind a gun-toting nobody from a state from Jupiter whose main attribute was Kleenex sales prolly went up across the country, and then adopting JOE THE FUCKING PLUMBER as their bald-headed stepchild, and then electing as the head of their party a Steve Urkel Snoop-Dogg wannabe, MAYBE on a night when the topic du jour was keeping ourselves from becoming a third world country and keeping people in their homes, maybe, just MAYBE the Republicans could've thought "you know what, maybe we should send out someone to speak who sounds, you know, like a grownup?"

For all I know, Bobby Jindal is a brilliant guy and an amazing governor. Wonderful. But before they sent him out there, couldn't someone have spoken up "umm....have you heard this guy talk?" The GOP thought so little of this moment? Really?

Republicans will stomp their feet "It's about substance, not style!!!" Of course these are the same people that are still up at night crying cause Gore rolled his eyes or sighed during the debates in 2000.

I know all this sounds like I'm just taking potshots at Jindal for sounding like a 12 year-old, but I'm not. It's just that after having to sit through the McCain/Palin/Plumber/Steele etc all-star team, the minute he started talking I couldn't help but think "Is this a joke? Am I being punk'd?"

And then when I see that since I've started typing this post alone, Joe the Plumber has gone on record re: slapping and shooting "fellow" Congressmen, and Mitch McConnell, in such serious economic times as these, has been squealing with glee re: hanging out with Rush Limbaugh instead of a Nobel Prize-winning economist. I guess my question to the GOP is if you're not going to take yourselves seriously, why the fuck should I?

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