Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Crime and Punishent. I'll Miss You :(

I know I love Crime and Punishment cause I ripped through 95% of it, and have put off finishing it for two weeks. When I'm reading a book I really love, I get depressed as I near the end; I feel like soon I will be on the outside of the story and characters, not wrapped up warmly with them. I'll procrastinate, find excuses not to finish it, I've gone months at a time ignoring a book as it sits there waiting for me to end it. Like having a hard time putting down a horse that has worked the farm relentlessly for 20 years I guess. I guess I'll end it on the way home today.

- Am I the only one who thinks Peter Falk's Columbo was based on Porfiry? Or is that general knowledge everyone else on the planet knows already? The circling logic buffered throughout by the self-deprecation? Hmm.

- I've mentioned before how shitty I am with names HERE. And that's with names that are in English! So you can guess how thrilled I was about having to keep Russian names straight. And maybe someone could've warned me that Russians apparently assign each other about 4 different names, none of which seem to be related in any way to each other to Joe Q. American Buck like myself? Grr.

- The characters quoting Gogol's Diary of a Madman made me wanna read the story; the characters' MISQUOTING Gogol every time made me REALLY wanna read the story. Interesting.



Nerdhappy said...

I ♥ Dostoevsky.

Nerdhappy said...

Sorry to double post, I'm so excited! Dont stop with C&P... the man wrote so much good stuff it's amazing. Best Author Ever.

Did you ever read Notes From the Underground? You could probably finish it in an hour.

Xmastime said...

will def read that, and I have Bro Karamozov. though will wait awhile; ive learned the hard way the next book suffers if begun while under "author euphoria" (a la following american tragedy immediately by sister carrie. mistake.)

Nerdhappy said...

Dude, Dreiser was a socialist, which I believe makes you a commie pinko!!!