Thursday, April 09, 2009

Goodbye Idiots?

A coupla weeks ago I wondered HERE why we were still subjected to people like Rove and Cheney being on tv 24/7 with "advice" when they had in fact gotten everything wrong over the years. And I used a pretty snazzy little airplane analogy to make my point:
So why should we keep having them coming back on tv with their "expert advice" - Rove re: how the Republican Party should conduct itself, and Cheney on how to keep the country safe. As in two things these dudes were completely terrible at.

If I'm an airline pilot and commit a crucial error that results in my plane crashing yet I survive, I can understand tv shows wanting to have me on as a current events story. But I doubt I'll be asked to come back repeatedly to give advice on what airlines should be doing about airplane safety.

A caller on C-Span shares my point, so maybe there's hope that we'll get rid of this shit once and for all. 60% of voters in November stood up said you know what, we're NOT a "conservative" nation (wanting to pay as little taxes as possible does not make you a "conservative", it makes you a "human"), we DON'T want the same old same old. So maybe we can quit having to be subjected to hearing from the same old, tired-ass people who are so determinedly wrong at all times.

ps - Lowry going on with his Iranian ultimatum right after the call is beyond priceless. If you could invest in "tone deaf," these people would be kazillionaires.


Kiko Jones said...

Dude, that lady was so on point.

The Gnat said...

The Boogiemen still haunting your dream, Xmas? I am so glad that your narrow liberal margin gave Dems the right to utterly silence the opposing viewpoint since they sat so quietly and waited their turn to speak for all these years.

Xmastime said...

"the opposing viewpoint" has gotten a bit stale, hasn't it? how many times does "the opposing viewpoint" get airtime until you finally get tired of being wrong? like when I was stuck on that "Pi" page in Mrs Thompson's class for 29 days. are you really thrilled to be trotting these same old dudes out there every day? can you really tell me you dont wish SOMEone new would pop up with something new to say? no?

Xmastime said...

i find it hard to believe there aren't plenty of people in the GOP who are smarter, fresher and havent spent the last decade being wrong about everything. shouldn't YOU be pissed they're having their at-bats taken by Rove et al over and over again, instead of me?

Kiko Jones said...

re: plenty of people in the GOP who are smarter, fresher and haven't spent the last decade being wrong about everything

I believe those may be the same people who called the likes of Sarah Palin and her supporters a cancer on their party, only to face the business end of the right-wing shitstorm.

The Gnat said...

Uhh, you mock Palin (chauvinist pig!) and hate Cantor (anti-semite!) and you probably can't stand Jindal's "un-Americaness," so we offer up the same old white dudes until liberal America can put aside its many unfounded prejudices. I love stuff.

The Gnat said...

( cont) like this.