Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Help Us, Osama-Wan!!!!

A while back I wrote HERE:
1) I hope Bin Laden was watching Tony Snow’s press briefing yesterday.
First, let's think about Iraq. One of the positions is that we need to leave Iraq -- we need to do it on a timetable, and we need to do it soon. It's worth walking through the consequences of that position. First, simply to walk away on a timetable without examining the conditions on the ground and without making sure that you have the ability for the Iraqis to stand up and also assert sovereignty over their territory and have a freestanding democracy would create a power vacuum and encourage terrorists not only in Iraq, but throughout the region and throughout the world that one of the problems that often besets democracies, which is impatience in hard times, in fact serves as a motivation for terror groups. Osama bin Laden some years ago said that one of the keys is that if you simply stay at terror long enough, the West is too weak, he said the Americans were too weak, and would stand down.
Must be pretty good feeling knowing that our staying in Iraq is basically just to show him that we can. So fuck it, I‘m stepping up and nominating Bin Laden for President. Look at all the bumbling inefficiency we have in DC thse days; meanwhile this guy has the single greatest super power in the history of the world spending billions of dollars as well as human lives simply cause he once mentioned that we couldn’t do it. Amazing. Think of what this dude could accomplish in the White House. “Hold up…President Bin Laden said we’d always be fat? Oh, fuck that!” BAM!!! National obesity rate plummets. “The HELL I can’t read!!” Literacy becomes the new GameBoy. And so on.
And now, FINALLY!! we have this guy agreeing with me that Osama is our only hope. Come save us!! Please!!! Awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And it's treason. And these fucking assholes should get a visit from the Feds under the very Patriot Act they claimed to have loved when Bush was President.