Wednesday, July 08, 2009

MJ Memorial

Until Paris spoke up, the MJ memorial was astoundingly disappointing. Song after song that nobody gave 2 shits about - for instance, I will never, ever figure out which Little Caesar's shift sang the shitawful We Are the World. Throughout, twas the most unemotional group of people I've seen since I did a one-man version of Anal Encounters XVI. Flopped.

But the whole thing was saved by his little girl saying that bit at the end. Reminds me of what I've read about MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech - up until the very end, the speech was a fucking flop. Nobody was listening, nobody cared. Then Mahalia Jackson started prodding MLK, telling him to "do that i have a dream! " bit that he had done before. And then, and ONLY then, it became a moment for the ages.

Wasn't for that, MJ's daughter, no clips from the whole goddam thing would be played ten years from now.

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