Friday, September 04, 2009


It's been Beatles Beatles Beatles everywhere all week, and while I love any excuse to listen to/talk about them, I have been a bit stodgy and rolling my eyes re: the reason for the push is because they've got that video game coming out, Guitar Hero or whatever that has all their songs on it, and as we know video games are gay, but then I read this article, which says something interesting:
A Pew Research survey released last month showed that 81 percent of respondents between ages 16-29 said they liked The Beatles. Eleven percent said they dislike the band and only 4 percent said they have never heard of them. By comparison, current rockers Coldplay received 39 percent positive responses, with 45 percent saying they'd never heard of them. Forty-two percent said they like hip-hop star Kanye West. "To put this in perspective: Try imagining young adults back in the 1960s putting the big jazz bands of the roaring '20s at the top of their list of favorites," the survey reads. "Not very likely."


Nerdhappy said...

What percent of those polled liked Hayday? Or is that just a stupid question?

Xmastime said...

are you saying Hayday is as good as the Beatles?!??!?!?!?!!?!?!? Im flattered! ;)