Sunday, October 11, 2009

When Good Zinngers Happen to Bad People

According to, there have been times the military has made a mistake and informed someone their loved one has been killed in action. Or it wasn't the military at all, but someone playing a cruel prank, as per the original blog the above writer found this story:
It was a nasty evil thing to do back during the Vietnam war. People would call families claiming to be the military and tell their son had been killed and the family would later find it was a lie. Mental and emotional abuse and torture of the worse kind. Well what once was old is new again… but still just as evil and heartless. Only this time the media is being compliant. 
Calls are being made to families and the words no family with a soldier wants to hear are uttered ” We regret to inform you”… Only to find out their soldier is alive and well. It’s done to break morale and inflict injury on the families. Not only that but on our troops also. Now instead of our soldiers being able to completely focus on their mission they have the burden of worrying about something like this happening to their loved ones who are suppose to be safe at home.

And, besides the title of his post itself, the RedState poster REALLY sticks it to the people that are responsible for such horrible cruelty:
My suggestion to those merry pranksters on the left; as you sit at St. Arbucks sipping your lattes, scratching your too cool wannabe goatees, and pecking at your Mac Books to compose you Hate Bush thesis, cut down on the caffeine before some stupid idea like the above occurs to you and you end up the one who’s family gets a phone call…
…from the Coroner.
That's a pretty clever caricature the author wraps his post up with - in particular, I may use "St. Arbucks" and "too cool wannabe goatees" myself to some of the kids in my neighborhood (although "goatees" are kinda 2004, so I'll probably sub in "rasputin beard," but whatevs, that's deck.) Of course, sadly for the author and all the time he put into crafting such a great zinger, all this would actually mean something if at any point in any of these articles it's explained how the leap was made from "people playing a cruel prank on military families" to "people ON THE LEFT playing a cruel prank on military families," but it isn't. I feel he MAY HAVE, in fact, missed his target. In other words, his zinger can only be felt by someone who is actually capable of calling someone and telling them their son/daughter et al has been killed. Someone, I'm guessing, that is probably not particularly hurt by some mean words on a website. Sorry, buddy. You'll get 'em next time, I'm sure!

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