Thursday, January 14, 2010


The world is listening to Xmastime: THE CASE AGAINST KETCHUP.
The more burgers I ate as a reviewer, the more I came to realize that ketchup was getting in the way of the distinctions between them. As soon as stopped applying the red stuff I discovered whole new worlds of flavor.

Now converted, I try not to be too much of an anti ketchup zealot, but I find it hard on occasion. I was recently enjoying dinner at Minetta Tavern until I noticed a gentleman dousing a Black Label burger in ketchup. I had to restrain myself from berating him. The Black Label is a $26 hamburger that uses dry aged rib eye as its primary component. Would you put ketchup on prime steak? (The question is supposed to be rhetorical; if you do put ketchup on steak we need to talk) Why on earth would someone choose to cover up such a carefully crafted blend of prime beef with a such a sweet, overpowering condiment?

Xmastime ketchup manifesto HERE   and  HERE

and HERE 

young ketchup lovers in love HERE.


Anonymous said...

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On format: please.

Kleingärtner said...

true!!! HAMburger?! Duh. What do you put on HAM, but mustard. You're openin' up my eyes every day, Rot!!

Xmastime said...

your sure-to-be-wildly-generous yearly donation to Xmastime is thanks enough!!! :)