Friday, January 22, 2010

Global Warming, Sweaty Balls, Bears

Hey, whaddya know, the past decade was the hottest decade in history. Which you might not have been aware of, since the idiots setting up global warming conferences insist on doing them in colder climates during blizzards, probably in sort sort of arrangement with The Drudge Report so it can pull out it's now-regular ironically snarky "WOW, LOOK AT THAT GLOBAL WARMING" headline under a picture of the meeting buried under three feet of snow. If one of these meetings took place in my loft on a random July afternoon with the sweat from my balls drowning entire families of rats, global warming would be solved by the next Tuesday. Instead, of course we still hafta wait til a polar bear wanders into, say, Georgia, and eats some Republican's kid for anything to happen. Or, of course, it finally dawning on someone in the GOP that there's money to be made in global warming. Awesome.

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