Monday, January 18, 2010

Longevity Has It's Place. And Sistatime!'s Funny.

Friday, April 04, 2008

Your Friday Cup o' SISTATIME!

Sistatime! called me last night and as usual couldn't help but make her way onto this bloggity blog. Talking about a charity basketball game the Arthritis Organization was putting on featuring the University of Richmond team. And we pick up:

SISTATIME!: Isn't it so nice that the poeple that run college basketball, you know, aahhh, what'stheirname -
XMASTIME: (about the say "the NCAA") the N-
SISTATIME!: the NAACP, isn't it cool they're doing this?

sigh. and on MLK eve!!!!!

Also, turns out some dude that I thought was her boyfriend got the heave-ho a few weeks ago. AAAAAAAnd we pick up:

SISTATIME!: naw, that fizzled. He's bipolar. Fucking nuts!
XMASTIME: well sure. can't have that.
SISTATIME!: oh, that's not why I dumped him.
XMASTIME: (curious eyebrow-raised "hmmm?")
SISTATIME!: but it is why I had to drag it out over two weeks and dump him slowly, so he wouldn't snap and fucking kill me.

Viva la Sistatime!

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