Wednesday, April 21, 2010

GOP Gone Wild

Matt Yglesias is upset that Sue Lowden is serious about trading chickens for medical care:
Lowden could very plausibly be representing Nevada in the US Senate a year from now, so it’s worth noting how terrible this would be...It’s frightening that anyone this ignorant of how a modern economy works could be anywhere near political power.
Nerdy McNerderson is missing the important point here: SUE LOWDEN IS HOT AS FUCKING BALLS. She was a 2nd runner-up for Miss America! Chickens, healthcare, who the fuck knows or cares what she's talking about. Yes the Republicans are incredibly terrible for the country and should be tazered anytime they get anywhere close to any situation that requires a smart, well thought-out decision, but they know how to fucking find hot women and get them to talk in front of a camera. The Republican Party is the Joe Francis of politics. Seriously, how long til they figure out how to get all these hot chicks to show their tits? Fucking awesome.

I mean lookit her charging at that mic...nom nom nom!!!!

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