Wednesday, April 21, 2010

You Gotta Be Shitting Me

We all know that Barack Obama is a calm dude. Not prone to being some sort of loud braggart. But now I'm thinking he might a be a tad strange. As in Fatcesa just told his brother-in-law Craig Robinson the story about the night of the election Willie Mays emailing Obama to congratulate him, and Robinson was very surprised, saying he did not know that.


What the fuck?

Willie Mays emails you, and you don't fucking mention it to your brother-in-law? Much less the rest of the world? Are you fucking kidding me? Me, I have the thing printed out and tattooed onto my head. Fucking christ. The machinations of me working that into conversation throughout any given day would be astounding.


MAYbe the birthers are right, and this guy isn't an American citizen after all....hmm....

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