Saturday, May 29, 2010

Chicken Nuggets!

I've blown up The David Magee Show several times, the most recent HERE. Dave's an old friend of mine and his show is great every day, and you HAFTA listen to Tuesday's episode, which features something I consider myself to be a conniséur of: CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!!

Listen HERE.

Accompanying Consumer Report article HERE.

World markets, the future of GM, blah blah blah - FINALLY we're talking about important shit!!  :)

As I've written and linked to HERE, not only has some variety of the chicken mcnuggets become de riguér in restaurants, but the chicken products are usually better than the burgers and shit. And there's more and more easy-to-nuke varieties at home for the kids, I know Big Bear loves his dino-nuggets. Well. The few he's lucky enough to wrestle outta my paws.

You know I LOVES ME SOME CHICKEN. But while Market Pantry nuggets from Target come out of the report as the best of the store-bought variety, no store-bought nuggets will ever compare to THE ORIGINAL:
I was also reminded of that before high school basketball games, whenever we'd travel to another school to play we'd stop at McDonald's, and the Coach would make a big deal out of us NOT eating french fries, as they would bog us down . But he didn't seem, to mind us inhaling 20-piece packs of McNuggets ($2.90!), which are basically rat fur and thumbs wrapped in the outsides of french fries if they were fried, then fried again, then breaded and fried again. Obviously, he was also our Trigonometry teacher. Hmm.

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