Thursday, June 10, 2010


I mentioned Debrahlee Lorenzana, the smoking hot bitch who claims she got fired for being smoking hot bitch HERE in my post about distractions, which is funny because The Burnt Ernies had a song called Distractions (albeit, listening to it right now, not their best one), and they are indirectly tied into my beloved Harrisonburg music scene, which, for a brief moment in time like the flash of a comet, featured the one and only musical whirling dervish known to you people as MARLEY.

Anyway, now I see THIS:
The Queens stunner walked into the Chase branch in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where she currently works, this morning wearing a tight-fitting black dress and shiny black stilettos with bright red soles, a signature look associated with Christian Louboutins, and carrying a red handbag.
Wtf? This hot piece works in my neighborhood?  How did I not know this, is my lay-dar off?

But fucking christ - this just after I got my first checking account since back when my PIN number was XXIV. (BOOM!! rimshot, playahs!!!!) Sigh. Bad timing. That's what I get for fucking becoming an over-the-top, bordering on the absurdly mature adult  :(

Oh yeah, and here's a pic from her Facebook. MOTHERfucker!!!! Yes, I would LOVE to open an account!!!!!!!!!!!!

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