Friday, September 24, 2010

Today in The DADT Truckers News

Landmark case today re: a judge ruling that Air Force Major Margaret ("Marge") Witt be reinstated, since the Air Force not come up with any evidence that her being a lesbian was detrimental to her unit.

There's two reasons this is interesting to me. For one, I would think flight nurses with the rank of Major would be a fairly handy thing to have in a military that is already stretched perilously thin by our demand to be engaged in permanent war around the globe. But, as is the case with getting rid of dozens of surely incredibly useful translators in the time of war for being gay, the military, along with those in power who demand that gays not being able to openly serve, has shown it's not as interested in taking our security as seriously as it is continuing to try to score political points with an issue the overwhelming majority of Americans consider to be obsolete.

Also, I would think a real "conservative" would be annoyed with how much money the government must have to pour into these cases. I have no idea, but I'm "guessing" it's a "shitload." I'm sure if some bleeding liberal pussy like me was clogging up tax dollars with Broadway plays featuring puppies hugging rainbows, conservatives would go out of their fucking minds; meanwhile, their precious witchhunt over the gays is just about as useful and not near as cute, but I don't hear any complaints from "conservatives."

But of course these people are not actually interested in national security or spending, since it's hammering away at stupid shit like this that keeps people ginned up and running to the polls to vote for whatever (R) is available.

Besides, get rid of that Pete Rose haircut and he'd kinda be cute - he could get lots of chicks!!

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