Thursday, November 04, 2010

Liiiiiike Fucking Clockwork.

Sigh. Here we fucking go, yet ANOTHER "housework for sex" article. Has it been 4 days since the alst one already? I've bitched about this myth for YEARS HERE and  HERE and HERE and HERE. Ironically, the only things that seems to happen more frequently than these articles are my posts bitching about them.

"Choreplay"? Really?

Though my offer still stands:
HOUSEWORK FOR SEX - Outrageously overweight bed-wetting alcoholic with no job and the back hair of your uncle's rec room carpet looking for a housework for sex trade. Every hour of housework = an hour of sex. As I'm unemployed I'm free all the time; in fact if I could crash at your place for a while that would be a w e s o m e. You: be smoking hot, creative in bed with a lot of Victoria's Secret stuff and not a lot of shame. Might wanna invest in a power flusher, I've been in a bit of a "cheese phase."

I look forward to tomorrow's "a small piece of dark chocolate every day is good for you" article from these fucking geniuses.

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