Thursday, December 02, 2010

Bang a Chung, Get it On

Although I used her as a jumping-off point for my "Most Women Are Not Funny" thesis HERE, Alexa Chung is a Mrs. Xmastime, and I'm totally in love with her, so it's fun seeing her write a video love letter to Williamsburg. I can honestly say that althuogh she spends most of it around the corner from my building, I have never in my 13 years set foot in any of those boutiques or whatthefuckever they are, those little pretend clothes joints. But I have spent plenty of time sitting on that bench drinking coffee.

I guess the main piont is why am I sitting here yammering to you people when I should be scouring the streets for Alexa Chung?  Hmm.


Cookieface said...

I beg your pardon:

Going by your formula, I'm pretty sure that if we paired my words next to a picture of me in a bikini, I'd be the funniest woman EVER.

Xmastime said...

would you rather be funny (ie "Drunken Dater") or hot (ie "you")?