Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Credit Where Credit's Due

I've watched the show, so I know it's not just Photoshop, but I hafta say: Shannon Tweed, tho it's hard to say at this point since she's the one blonde whose face has been sliced more than Nicole Brown Simpson, must be way fucking hotter than I think she is, since if you can fuck Gene Simmons and crank out two kids that good looking, my cap is doffed. I mean there's overcoming obstacles, and then there's the unexplainable. It'd be like if George Bush and Sarah Palin were married and cranked out a coupla high school graduates   Rhodes Scholars.

UPDATE, 7:30pm: I just realized my analogy is wrong. It should say someone like, say, Albert Einstein and Sarah Palin. Sorry!

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

I've got no love for Gene Simmons and despise celebrity-based reality shows...but this one I actually like.

Btw, I remember Tweed's sister being an über hot redhead back in the day and was shocked to see how homely she'd become as a middle-aged woman.