Thursday, December 02, 2010

Douchebags Make a Bloggah Wannah Hollah

I meant to comment a few weeks ago on the ex-Bush administration officials coming out and confirming that gee, maybe we shouldn't have been such fucktards, like Tom Ridge did, to say nothing of the former Reagan Budget Director who has waited until now to announce the GOP has acted like complete fucking idiots when it comes to the economy. Gee, if only you had some voice of persuasion and could've made things different. Hmm.

But I didn't, cause I'd rather talk about titties, but now outgoing Pennsylvania governor Ed fucking Randell coming out today questioning Obama's Afghan policy brings it back for me. Now, as a governor, it's not like Randell has a vote on foreign policy, or Obama gives two shits what he thinks. But he's just another in a long line of politicians who once their terms of office office are over mysteriously find their conscience. Or, even worse, the ultimate sin: cash in on their shithead-edness by writing a book.

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