Saturday, December 11, 2010

Empathy. I Have It.

I've bitched here many, many times about the whole "gee, if only Obama would lower taxes, then companies would go on wild investing and hiring sprees!!" thing being a steaming load of shit, but it turns out I'm wrong, since according to HERE corporations are sitting on a mere $2 trillion worth of cash. Fucking hell, no wonder they're terrified to do anything. Fuck, I don't leave my house if I don't have that much stuffed into my pockets - I mean, you want the sandwich but get talked into the combo meal and then BLAMMO!!!  the guy's asking you for two and a HALF trillion dollars, and you look like an idiot walking itback from super-size to medium.

Christ, if they had just told us about their money problems in the first place. They can prolly barely look each other in the eye when passing out million dollar bonuses. And that makes me sad  :(

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