Friday, December 10, 2010

Wall Sniff Journal

Sniffy at the WSJ.

I understand it's all about click-throughs and $crillah, so if Sarah Palin wants to "write an article" for the Wall Street Journal transcribing the sounds of her farts of that particular day they hafta accept it with a big smile and an avalanche of "thank yous." But you'd also like to think they'd be hoping it would be something somewhat new and profound instead of Tea Party talking points so mashed into the ground by now that they make having to hear about Jennifer Aniston's desperate manhunt fresh and exciting. You KNOW there was a conversation just like this:

(WSJ office)
"Hey boss, Sarah Palin wants to post an op-ed."
"Great! What's it about?"
"Big government is bad, and Obama's inventing death panels to kill grandma."
"Sigh (facepalm). Fucking hell."
"Also, Xmastime wants us to print his Weightfuckers stuff again."
"Goddam, I love that big bastard. I mean, Weightfuckers - how's he come up with that shit??!!"

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