Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Gimme Shelter

Gimme Shelter has become one of those songs that was once great but you can't even hear anymore because you've heard it every time you've walked into a bar, so it's nice to give it a breath of fresh air with hearing it's tracks isolated, such as Keef's rhythm guitar below.

Mick's singing with backups, more Keef guitar and bass and drums HERE.

Reminds me of the incredible Wouldn't It Be Nice vocals-only track.


Anonymous said...

nice beach boys.....but for my money the best a capella beach boys (or anybody else) is the 10 seconds in the middle of sloop john b


Xmastime said...

Favorite PLayah!!! is this my birthday??!!?!?!?!

My favorite SJB was the instruments only one. but hey, im an enigma, wrapped in sexy.