Monday, January 10, 2011

Luncha Buncha

Talking about school lunches is usually pretty depressing since not only are kids being churned out as fat pigs, but even when someone tries to step in and help, like Jamie Oliver or Michelle Obama, they are met with great opposition, be it by general stupidity or you-know-who bringing out the automatic-firing cupcake gun, since, of course, this is 'merica.

So it's heartening to read about this school in NYC, which is going the educational route with kids and their relationship with food:
In every subject, for six weeks, kids were learning about food through an agricultural, scientific, cultural, and even musical lens. In their final presentation to parents and community members, the students demonstrated their understanding of how to eat right, address the problems of our food system, and sound darn smart doing it.
We all should be haunted by the incredible disservice we're doing to these kids, particularly when it turns out gee, we can't even pat ourselves on the back that we're saving any money by cutting corners so we can make the Fat Cats even fatter (no pun intended.)

I've spent the past year as a big fan of The Lunch Project, a woman who has been highlighting the crap her kid's school serves up on a daily basis (you kinda hafta go back a few weeks, I guess now she's pushing her book about her year blogging.)


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