Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Dust Bowl

Black Blizzard still pops up on the History Channel, which is good since other than The Grapes of Wrath, nobody seems to talk about the Dust Bowl.  Maybe because, like Influenza in 1918, it was overshadowed by other events, such as war looming in Europe, or John McCain's 40th birthday party that was reportedly "off the hook."  Certainly we didn't learn anything in my high school, "The Harvard Just offa Desha Road." So here's 12 things you prolly didn't know about it, not including "Ima knock the dust off that pussy!" is always funny re: Cougars.
9. A single storm generated enough static electricity to short radios and cars and caused blue flames to erupt from barbed wire fences. It was so strong it even knocked full grown men off their feet if they accidentally touched or shook hands. People would drag chains in order to offset the static electricity. On Black Tuesday, enough static electricity was produced to power New York City.
 Of course, back then there was no Jersey Shore to watch, so there was less need for electricity.

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