Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sigh. This is Disappointing.

It's easy to sympathize with Chris Brown - with the exception of beating the hell out of his girlfriend, he's always been known as a super-nice guy; even the judge who sentenced him told him that of all the people he'd sentenced for beaten up women, he was by far his favorite.  And hey, it's not like he beat up a white girl.

But it's IMPOSSIBLE to sympathize with him for being so thrown off by a reporter asking about the attack that he goes nuts and beats up an entire building.  And no, that's not  a King Kong reference because he's black, you know I only allot myself one ultra-racist comment per post, and I already used it on the white girl line above. Yes the King Kong one woulda been funny, but I've decided to be classy and take the high road,a s per usual. I mean, come the fuck on, Chris.  You REALLY hadn't composed yourself before the interview "I know it's gonna come up, just stay cool, no matter what"?  Now after all this time, he's back to square one.  Ugh.

FULL DISCLOSURE: Chris Brown and i are from the same hometown, so we've probably banged out a  lot of the same trim. I've tried not to let that affect this post.

SIDE NOTE: "Bad morning America"? Really? That's the best you can do, genius? As you know already, I find that unacceptable!

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