Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Thing I Suck At

I couldn't make a good grilled cheese sandwich if you held a gun to my head.  What the fuck.  Everyone else makes this look effortless, perfectly crunchy and carmelized; meanwhile, half of mine gets stuck to the pan and is somehow fucking soppy and gooey.  I've never fucking made a good one.  Wtf?

More HERE.


Anonymous said...

Some people butter the bread (or use margarine products), while others spray PAM on the pan. I think the trick is to get the pan hot enough to do the browning on one side. Flip it when it's at the desired 'channelization', adding more PAM to the pan as needed. The cheese will melt at this point.

Jack said...

You need good bread. And you need good cheese. I hope to god you aren't using those individually wrapped slices. The only American cheese you should be using is the kind they slice for you at the deli.

And butter.

I can't believe this anonymous person above is talking about PAM. That's a fucking industrial lubricant, not a food!

Anonymous said...

PAM. What? It's a good lubricant which is what you need here. It enables the bread to brown properly without all the fat from the BUTTer... Wait, you're not gonna EAT this, are you?!!!!