Thursday, April 21, 2011

Request for Hollywood

The final episode of the Kennedy miniseries only being an hour made it impossible for it to be really good, since we go from JFK's death to Bobby standing in the Ambassador Hotel in the blink of an eye, completely ignoring his time as a Senator, and anything about the Bed-Stuy reclamation project, him visiting the Delta and discovering the shocking effects of poverty, the Vietnam War, Civil Rights, becoming a figure that spoke for the disaffected, his voracious reading of the Greek Classics to deal with his brother's death, him surely wondering if he was signing up for a death sentence by running for president after JFK, his work with Cesar Chavez, his speech in Indy the day MLK was shot, and on and on and on.  It just shows that he needs a whole movie of his own, based on Evan Thomas' book, dammit!

And yes, Barry Pepper's gotta play the lead.

I will say, the lighting and framing of the scene of him on the floor after being shot was incredibly reconstructed, based on the famous photo.


Marley said...

He needs the movie, but not one based on Thomas's cheezy hagiography. Here you have a truly fascinating American character, who worked on McCarthy's, played thug for his dissolute but charming brother, went from "can't we do 'Remember the Maine'" to a nuanced and thankfully moderate position in the Missile Crisis, who bugged MLK, and then, who changed significantly after his brother's murder, leaving us to wonder what was heartfelt Catholic repentance and charity and growth and what was simply Kennedy ambition, slathered with its peculiar mix of tin moralism and an ear for timing.

Marley said...

And during all of this, he found time to get sloppy seconds on Marilyn. That's a fucking movie.

Xmastime said...

hear hear!