Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Tuff Decision for The Right Now

I see Bush supporters are cranky Obama hasn't given enough credit to Dubyanuts.

Of course, even while W once famously said that he was "truly not that concerned" about capturing Bin Laden, I personally don't care how much credit people wanna give Bush for killing Osama Bin Laden.  Give all the credit you want, who gives a shit.  Fine by me.  We have a selective leapfrog memory when it comes to credit and blame anyways, people have gotten pretty used to simply giving their favorite president credit for what they want while laying blame on their predecessor or successor whenever they want.

But if we're gonna give Bush credit for the mission the other day, we're also goinna hafta finally admit that the economic collapse didn't happen on Januray 20, 2009.  If you demand Obama give credit for inheriting Bush's OSL strategem, then you're going to hafta try and be a grownup, and accept that yes, Obama DID inherit a fucking economic mess from Bush that he had to deal with.  But can't have one without the other, so.  I know it's tough, and I'll be here to hold you in my arms and coo "it's alright, baby" in your ear, but you hafta join reality eventually.


The Gnat said...

Neither president deserves credit for Bin Laden or for the economy. All a president can really do is not stand in the way of the military, of the intelligence commuinty or of capitalism. Oops, maybe Obama will need to take blame for his economy after he has wrecked the system. YORF!

Xmastime said...

can he at least take credit for zinging Trump? no?

The Gnat said...

Okay, Trump burned! I love how much you hate Trump now that he is a Republican. I didn't hear that he was running for anything until you starting skewering him. What did he make 100 Metroplitan go condo or something?

Xmastime said...

actually, ive always thought Trump a douche:



there just wasnt any reason to notice him until recently, until he does buy 100 and Larry and I walking around with our HELL NO, WE WON'T GO! signs gets us on Page 6 ;)

Xmastime said...

and the day Trump actually runs is the day I declare "say, you know who was a good President? That Bush fellah!" he's the female Palin, though, incredibly, less qualified (in my humble, doe-like eyes)