Friday, May 20, 2011

Who the FUCK Does Newt Gingrich Think He Is?

Has there been a more laughably immediately off-the-rails presidential campaign by a "serious" contender as Newt Gingrich's?  Starting from his website's premature, faltering launch before he actually declared, hardly a day has gone by without an incredibly entertaining WTF? moment, be it his being sprinkled with glitter or directly informing us to not believe what he actually says, and on and on.

Just this morning I was thinking to myself boy, Sniffy Wiffy must be jealous of all the attention Newt's been getting; surely she knows that she can really ratchet up the level of buffoonery and launch it into the stratosphere.  And now, right on time, I see this:
Sarah Palin has given few indications in recent weeks she is still actively considering a presidential run, but the former Alaska governor said Thursday she has the “fire in my belly” to mount a bid for the White House.
Watching Donald Trump making a fool of himself and being called the stupidest person in America must've had her chomping at the bit, and Newt's latest campaign for the GOP Batshit Olympic title seems to be the last straw.  NObody puts Retard Baby in the corner!

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