Friday, May 20, 2011

You Can't Have "Grassley" Without "Ass"

Chuck Grassley is doing his duty as a lockstep, brain-dead Republican by being outraged that judges can have a hand in making laws that he and his GOP friends might not alike.

But all this does is remind me to ask why the fuck is a rich guy who's two years away from turning 80 years old  deciding anything about our healthcare?
It occurs to me that we seem to have left our national healthcare in the hands of two people who are 76 and 68 years old. Seems odd that the two guys in charge of our collective physical well-being are, according to any life expectancy chart, very close to dying. I'm sorry, but in any phase of life are men this old so closely associated with "health," other than when we're mildly surprised someone that old IS that healthy, and we also say "hey, good for him!" Surprised he can make it up a flight of steps. I doubt you'd trust anyone that old with a sack of your own money, right? I doubt you'd leave your kids with them for a coupla hours. And yet, like Supreme Court Justices, we don't seem to find trusting our lives to people who think of Babe Ruth as a pitcher as being rather odd.

I wonder if politicians should have maximum age limits? I mean, I don't think it's insulting to say that someone who WOULD HAVE BEEN TOO OLD TO BE ON THE FUCKING HICKORY HUSKERS' 1952 STATE CHAMPIONSHIP TEAM!!!! might not really be in touch with what much, much younger (as well as FUTURE) generations really want and need. Hey, three years ago I officially gave up understanding youth culture HERE:

Another thing I came to terms with last night is I’m old, and I just don’t get it. I’m watching segment after segment of “hip-hop” performances where there’s 20 people on the stage stomping and swaying, led by some guy with a mic who is alternating between barely breathing some words into the mic and pointing into the crowd. In years past I’d be screaming at the screen “what is this shit?!?!? It’s the same fucking beats as the last song, there’s no words, there’s no melody whatthefuck is this fucking shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????” Last night I just shrug. Hey, maybe I just don’t get it. Maybe there’s something going on in the singing I don’t even hear, maybe they’re moving in a way I don’t understand, maybe I’m just don’t get it. Obviously somebody’s getting it, they’re on tv.
These people should be admired and respected for their public service.  But if they don't keep you in Menudo after age 16, I don't know why we can't ease these people out of outrageously-important decision-making positions at an age before they qualify for the fucking Denny's 3:30 blue-plate grand slam (stool softener a lá carté.)

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