Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Good News!

Matt Yglesias has signed a deal to write a short (15k-20k words) e-book (cut & paste) to make the case that pathological elements of our housing policy that increase the cost of living in desirable neighborhoods of key metropolitan areas are an underrated of America’s economic and social problems.(end cut & paste.)

Now, I have no interest in reading about (cut & paste) pathological elements of our housing policy that increase the cost of living in desirable neighborhoods of key metropolitan areas are an underrated of America’s economic and social problems (end cut & paste), but I for one will be thrilled if this style becomes more of a standard for non-fiction books, which, as I've been bitching about for years, seem to find themselves stuffed with repetitive laundry lists so they can be stretched out to a length that provides enough veritas for the subject.

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