Monday, August 15, 2011

The Bataan Death March

The final survivor of The Bataan Death March has died today:
A doctor once told Albert Brown he shouldn't expect to make it to 50, given the toll taken by his years in a Japanese labor camp during World War II and the infamous, often-deadly march that got him there. But the former dentist made it to 105, embodying the power of a positive spirit in the face of inordinate odds.

"Doc" Brown was nearly 40 in 1942 when he endured the Bataan Death March, a harrowing 65-mile trek in which 78,000 prisoners of war were forced to walk from Bataan province near Manila to a Japanese POW camp. As many as 11,000 died along the way. Many were denied food, water and medical care, and those who stumbled or fell during the scorching journey through Philippine jungles were stabbed, shot or beheaded. He often wondered why captives so much younger and stronger perished, while he went on.
Obviously, what you're thinking about is back when I called Hollywood a pussy:
Anyways, turns out this movie came out in 1943...smack in the middle of the war! Hell, it came out in 1943, and the damn death march was in 1942. Were they writing this thing as it was happening, for chrissakes? "Where are they now?...ooooh, PERFECT for the third act...!" Nowadays it takes four years to put together a movie about a fucking bee, for christs sake. If this happened today, it would take 9 years to get the movie done and it would feature of course Bruce Willis literally carrying all 70,000 POWs on his back while nursing a "motherfucker!" of a hangover as hot chicks desperately tried to fuck him.
And for some reason I mentioned The Bataan Death March HERE  :)

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