Monday, August 15, 2011

White People Suck As Always; Are Black People Going Soft?

I know I shouldn't be surprised about anything that enrages me on the Chinatown Bus at this point in my life, but today I almost killed a small child.  We lurched into a Travel Plaza and the driver announces "10 minute break!", so I immediately began hurling myself against the window to break out, since I'm terrified that if I'm a second late getting back the bus will be gone.  The glass not breaking, I found myself at the steps of the door to exit the bus, behind what looked to be a girl who just learned how to walk about a month ago.  And since we're in such a rush to sprint to the Food Court and get back in time, the girl's mother was standing outside the door, cheering her "big girl!" on as she haltingly went from step to step, constantly pausing to be awed by everything in her immediate field of vision. It was all I could to to not push the fucking kid out the door and onto the pavement, but of course I assumed one of the black women behind me would start going bananas, forcing the mother to finally scoop her dipshit kid up and out of the way, allowing myself to escape without confrontation.

But no.  Nothing.  Nothing but respectful silence as this little fucking pageant went on.  What the fuck, black people? Are you going soft now?  Just like with not yelling at movie screens, you're letting this shit go on now? Really? What's next, settling for McDonald's fries that came out of the deep fryer longer than nine seconds ago?  Camon!!!!!

So of course I'm in full-on panic by the time I get off the bus, and through the blurred vision of hyperventilation I found myself in front of a Popeyes, where I ordered something called a Popeye's Chicken Po' Boy.  I paid the $17 for the sandwich and then tore out a bite while my eyes rolled to the back of my head, and then throw the rest on the floor screaming "No time!!!"  Once outside I was relieved to see the bus was still there and threw myself onboard and....I was the first one back.  Of course.  Fucking christ.

And guess who was the LAST one to finally board, and then got annoyed when the driver told her to hurry up, because little miss precious shit wanted to wander around the asphalt for a while?

But as I said, this should be no surprise.


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