Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Rick Perry mentions that Ben Bernanke should be roughed up "Texas style, and instead of back-tracking with a "that's not what he meant" semi-apology, his camp doesn't disavow his "I'm a rootin'-tootin' cowboy!"-styled remarks at all:
The Governor was expressing his frustration with the current economic situation and the out of control spending that persists in Washington. Most Americans would agree that spending more money is not the answer to the economic issues facing the country.
For some reason the lamestream media has a problem with this, because I guess the word hasn't gotten around Ivy League Starbucks Abortion Clinics  that there is nothing more noble than doubling down on stupidity.  Apologies are for suckers, Brenda Lee and, worse, Democrats.  Did Jesus ever apologize for having a rocking set of abs?  Hell no.  Besides, as I wrote extensively HERE, the Double Down is fucking AWESOME!

*What Would Jesus Do If He Was The Complete Opposite of Jesus and In Fact a Big Fucking Asshole?

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