Thursday, September 08, 2011

Big Bear, Paddy Mac, Husky & The Short Bus

The front four of my march to take over the world, aka "The Four Horsemen of the Snack Break", all started kindergarten either today or yesterday.  How fucking depressing.  Not just because it makes me feel old, but now they're gonna be in the hands of other people who can sculpt their young minds; no longer will I be a leading presence when it comes to knowledge, no longer can I spray them with absolute bullshit.  They'll find out I didn't actually serve in Vietnam with The Cookie Monster, and how long "5 minutes" actually is.  Fucking hell.  It's only a matter of time now before they all realize "you know, Xmastime's a fucking idiot."  The jig is up.  Now they're just four more guys becoming smarter than me that I'll be competing with for jobs and women in fifteen years.  Fucking hell.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

From what I gather Big Bear is already giving you a run for your money w/ the ladies, so...