Wednesday, September 07, 2011

For Someone Who Thinks We Overblow 9/11 I Seem to Be Writing a Lot About It

And let me second your call for perspective by noting that the Germans and friendly fire killed a bunch of Americans in a WWII training fiasco, al Qaeda killed 3000 civilians ten years ago, and dammit, we're still letting Germans and Arabs in the country. -MARLEY
Obviously Marley was being cheeky, but it does remind us about our willingness/unwillingness for assimilation.

One of the most "American" settings we like to look back on wistfully is 1940's/50's Brooklyn's Italian neighborhoods, with grandma making meatballs while little Joey meets up with his buddies to play stickball.  And before WWII was even over we were pilfering German rocket scientists.  All of this immediately after the deadliest, most destructive conflict in human history.  Meanwhile, thanks to a single Tuesday morning a decade ago, we demand to remain suspicious of Muslims or anyone that LOOKS like a Muslim; a curiosity that's starting to border on the pathological.

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