Friday, September 30, 2011

Fuckitty Fuck Fuck

Starting with Alyssa from Thinkprogress, people have been wondering why you can't say "fuck" on regular tv, but can call women "bitches" with unrestrained  glee.  Personally I wouldn't be offended, a well-delivered "fuck" can make something way funnier than it was, and a bleep is better than nothing, although I can understand why the word would be off-putting to some.  Although I agree that we've become numbed to the word "bitch" at this point.  It reminds me of the absurdity that you can say "n---er" on tv, but not "goddammit."

1 comment:

Pops said...

It amazes me that they bleep it when Nine Inch Nails proclaim "I want to f--- you like an animal" but the very next line of "I want to feel you from the inside" is ok?

Like that's going to be any easier to explain to your little snowflakes than what "fuck" means?