Tuesday, September 06, 2011


Sully on the Perry/Romney healthcare absurdity:
They are poles apart on the numbers of uninsured. Perry's Texas has 27.2 percent of its population without health insurance - the worst record in America. Massachusetts has an uninsured rate of 5.2 percent - the best. And yet Romney is still apologizing for this achievement.
As I wrote in a post entitled The Romney Paradox, which is now being used in political science classes at Harvard  if Harvard was made up of a collection of stuffed animals on my bed , Romney on healthcare is like Michael Jordan trying to convince people to choose him for their pickup basketball team not because he was maybe the greatest player of all time, but in spite of it.

Also, I have a nifty John McCain/Al from Happy Days joke in there, which is PRETTY fucking sweet, brosephs.

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