Friday, September 09, 2011

Xmastime TV Show Review of Show He'll Never Watch

Gee.  I wonder if there's a lesson in there that even though people come from different places and are part of different cultures, on the inside we're all alike if we'd only take the time to get to know and respect each other?  Will there be some awkward moments thanks to her being dumbstruck by the town's simple ways and "folks jes' bein' folks!", which run against the grain of her own big city, elitist ways? Will there be a "Whaddya MEAN, there's no Starbucks here!?!?" joke within the first minute, or will they hold off until the third minute in? Will the town folks' be baffled by her waving her fancy light-up box in the air looking desperately for "service", or "bars"? Will she wanna save someone's life with fancy doctor-fyin'', only to be trumped by the old, grouchy ex-doc who saves the kid with a piece of licorice and an old TV Guide?

Well, I can't see into the future, so what we have here is a mystery!

Christ.  Reminds me of this shit here.


The Gnat said...

Funny how big city folks (like Xmastime) just can't identify with small town rubes (like Greg Wilson). Funny.

Yeah, but Rachel Bilson is still hot.

Xmastime said...

sigh. the duality that is Xmastime (sadly rues my own enigma...ness? dammit!