Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pooooooooor White People :(

I'd like to also submit as evidence the fact that apparently it's against the law for MSNBC to go three consecutive minutes without having Pat Buchanan on the screen going full Teabagger on us, crying that the white America he knows and loves and is responsible for his version of a "meritocracy" is changing it's landscape before his very eyes. - XMASTIME
Pat Buchanan has a new book out now bemoaning the slow death of "White America." Of course, some people might know this place as "America."  Such a  thing might be interesting to read about were it not for the fact that the exact opposite is true and the system is rigged to make it so, but hey, here we are a country determined to make sure racists continue to make a shitload of money by telling flat-out lies to stupid people, so buy the book!  After all, there's nothing more American than being a victim, is there? I guess we're all George Harrison at some point. Sweet, sweet reverse racism!

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