Tuesday, November 29, 2011

FINALLY, Things Are Going Well For White People!

What a great week for white people!  First, studies are coming out with data showing that white people may be more intelligent than black people, and now a coupla already-superwealthy money managers in Connecticut have won the biggest state lottery in Connecticut history, (ohmygod - can you even IMAGINE how many jobs these noble jobs-creating patriots will create now?!?!?!  Anyone else woulda just spent the million$ on lottery tickets!!!) and the 12th biggest in US history.  YES!!!  Between these new  and black people being scared of dogs and unable to swim, I'd say we can finally dial back the "White Oppression" panic, n'est-pas?

UPDATE: It's even BETTER - now the Arizona Gun Club is ratcheting things up in Obama's War on Christmas by encouraging kids to get their pictures taken with Santa while holding machine guns!  Did you get that - not just guns, but machine guns!!  And just in case you're worried Skippy won't know what to do with his AR15 if he catches Obama's skinny ass shimmying down the chimney to steal the Christmas Tree, they offer practice with the machine guns as well.

Shew.  We're back!!!!

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